Special Display on Carrabelle’s Early Postal Service

Friday, November 24 until Saturday, December 30

Carrabelle’s Post Office was first established in 1878, three years before the town’s official founding. Guests can learn about some of Carrabelle’s Postmasters including Caroline “Carrie” Arabella Hall, Cecilia Kilbourn, and J.L Mayton. Which postmaster served under seven presidential administrations? Which postmaster was instrumental in Carrabelle becoming established? Which postmaster was rumored to simply be in the right place at the right time? Which postmaster is known as a beloved figure? Which postmaster does legend say the town was named after? Learn about these interesting people and see their Presidential certificates, historic photos and other artifacts.

There is no charge for admission, but donations are gladly accepted. The museum is open Wednesdays 12-5 pm, Thursdays through Saturdays 10 am-5 pm and Sundays 12-5 pm.  Carrabelle History Museum is located one block from the Carrabelle harbor, at 106 SE Avenue B, Carrabelle, FL. Funding in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council. For more information, contact 850-697-2141


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