Legend of Tate’s Hell

SPECIAL PROGRAM: Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 10 am - 12 pm

The Carrabelle History Museum is presenting a history program entitled, “The Legend of Tate's Hell”.

This program will explore the many facets of the legend of Tate’s Hell, the fate of Cebe Tate and how Tate's Hell State Forest got its name. The FSU Department of Communications’ 1983 short film, “A Tale of Tate’s Hell” will be shown. This program will be held Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 10 am - 12 pm in the upstairs room at C-Quarters Marina, 501 St. James Ave (Hwy 98), Carrabelle, FL. 

The opening line of the film says, "In the folk region, people are wedded to the land, and the land holds memories. The people themselves possess identity and ancestry, through continuous occupation of the same soil. Local events can flower into legend and ballad and proverb, and village ways can harden into custom." - Richard M. Corson in American Folklore.

Actor Billy Gwynn who played Tate in the FSU film mentioned in this program.

Actor Billy Gwynn who played Tate in the FSU film mentioned in this program.

Man believed to be Jeremiah Tate, Cebe Tate's dad, and woman who may be his mother.

Man believed to be Jeremiah Tate, Cebe Tate's dad, and woman who may be his mother.

There is no fee for this program. Donations are gladly accepted to defray costs. Sponsored by C-Quarters Marina and Shaun Donahoe Realty. Funding in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council. Seating is limited and masks are optional. Attendees are asked to follow health guidelines. For more information, contact 850-697-2141.

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