Carrabelle History Museum is presenting an interesting speaker program entitled, “Spanish Florida”. This program will feature a speaker from the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) and will be held Saturday, February 17, 2024, at 10 am - 12 pm.
This program will include an overview of the Spanish in Florida, including the Spanish Missions, focusing on Mission San Luis and the Apalachee, Native Peoples. The presentation ends with a discussion on how the Spanish have had a lasting influence on Florida’s heritage.
Mission San Luis functioned as the capital of the western missions in La Florida from 1656 to 1704. Populated by more than 1,500 residents, including one of the most powerful Apalachee chiefs and the Spanish deputy governor, San Luis was one of early Florida's largest colonial outposts. A visit to Mission San Luis transports you back to 1703. Your destination is a community where Apalachee Indians and newcomers from Spain lived together. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS HERITAGE SITE
The people who lived in the area around present-day Tallahassee, were among the most advanced and powerful of the Florida tribes that were met by early explorers. Before contact with Europeans, the Apalachee Indians planted corn (maize), beans, and squash, adding to this diet wild game, fish, wild fruits, berries, and nuts. These farmers built groups of palm-thatched huts close to agricultural fields where men, women, and children tended crops. In fact, the word Tallahassee is derived from the Muskogean language's word for "old fields." LEARN MORE ABOUT THE APALACHEE
Join us in the upstairs room at C-Quarters Marina, 501 St. James Ave (Hwy 98), Carrabelle, FL. There is no fee for this program. Donations are gladly accepted to defray costs. Funding in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council. Seating is limited and masks are optional. For more information, contact 850-697-2141.